Thursday, April 15, 2010

President Obama Has Filed His Income Taxes!

I really don't fault the fact that the Obamas made over $5 Million dollars last year. Most of their income came from book sales and not the government salary.

I do have to admit though that I am just a tad jealous although I realize that they have worked hard for their money!

I just wish that it was a little bit more easier as far as money is concerned. Sure I know that there are such things as free money and unclaimed money.

I have been fortunate enough to have received government grant money to help me with my utilities and believe that money was very welcomed!

I have also checked to see if my name was on the list of unclaimed money but it wasn't.

So I'd like to say to the President and his family that I applaud the fact that you were able to make so much money last year. President Obama gives a lot of us hope that anything is possible!

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